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Senior Services

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Overview of Positions

Presbyterian Medical Services’ Senior Centers offer social activities, educational information on topics affecting seniors, volunteer opportunities, transportation and meals individuals that qualify, mostly adults age 60+ and their spouse if they are under 60. The purpose of these programs is to help older adults stay active, curious, and connected.

We believe that our Senior Centers serve to enhance quality of life by creating opportunities to support wellness, social connections, community engagement and lifelong learning for a diverse and growing older adult population.

Basic Services Include: Health education and training, congregate meals, home delivered meals, transportation services and assisted transportation. 

Some positions include: Kitchen and Custodial Staff, Van Drivers, Home Assistants, Site Supervisors 

Detailed job requirements can be found on individual job vacancy announcements.

Senior Services Career Ladder

To learn more about position requirements and career ladders, click here

Apply to a Senior Services Position

Contact: Recruit@PMSNM.ORG or toll free 1-866-661-5491
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