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Medical Assistant

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Overview of Positions

At Presbyterian Medical Services, your family’s health is our primary concern. To that end, we provide chronic illness care for illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure and asthma, acute illness care, preventive medicine, family planning, women’s health, wellness physicals and screenings. Our providers care for you when you are well and when you are sick, managing chronic illnesses and preventing illness.

Medical assistants function as a member of the patient care team. They approach their tasks in a team-based fashion that supports patients and their families in self-management, self-efficacy, and behavior change.  

Some positions Include: Medical Assistant I, Medical Assistant – In-Training, Medical Assistant II, and Certified Medical Assistant  

Detailed job requirements can be found on individual job vacancy announcements.

Medical Assistants Career Ladder

To learn more about position requirements and career ladders, click here

Apply to a Medical Assistant Position

Contact: Recruit@PMSNM.ORG or toll free 1-866-661-5491
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