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Developmental Support Services (Roundtree & Shield)

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Overview of Positions

Project Shield

Project Shield is committed to helping developmentally disabled adults in San Juan County live more meaningful lives. The goal is to provide individuals with the greatest opportunity to learn, grow, and explore their communities.

The service focuses on maximizing independence, creating interpersonal relationships, establishing natural supports, and participating in the local community. These supports are based on individual choice of outcomes and then designed to measure progress specified in their Individual Support Plan.

Project Shield assists individuals with disabilities to increase economic independence, self-reliance, and growth within a career. Based on the individuals’ career plan, they will work with a job coach during the job search process, the application and interview process, and job improvement and growth. We provide job coaches, transportation, assistive technology, and specialized job training.

Some positions include: Custodian – Supported, Job Coach, Support Instructor, and Administrator

Detailed job descriptions can be found on individual job vacancy announcements. 

Roundtree Children’s Developmental Services

Roundtree Children’s Developmental Services is a contract provider with the New Mexico Family Infant Toddler (FIT) Program. The FIT Program provides supports and services to children who have or who are at risk for a developmental delay, and their families. The Roundtree team has 100+ years of combined experience working with children and families to enhance your child’s learning and development.

Throughout the years, the delivery of early intervention has evolved to family guided services supporting your child’s learning and development in their natural environment. Staff partner with families to develop goals and strategies that are easily integrated into the family’s daily routines. Our dedicated professionals work hand in hand with each family to build on the strengths and needs of that unique child. All services are provided at no cost to the family.

Some positions include: Client Records Coordinator, Developmental Specialist II, Developmental Specialist III, Intake Coordinator – Early Intervention, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Speech Language Pathologist, Social Worker – Early Intervention, Administrator 

Detailed job descriptions can be found on individual job vacancy announcements.

Project Shield Career Ladder

To learn more about position requirements and career ladders, click here

Roundtree Career Ladder

To learn more about position requirements and career ladders, click here

Apply to a Developmental Support Position

Contact: Recruit@PMSNM.ORG or toll free 1-866-661-5491
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