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Dental Assistants and Hygienists

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Overview of Positions

Presbyterian Medical Services offers Dental Services at select health centers across the state. We offer a full range of dental services, from cleanings and fillings to root canals and crowns. We aim to be a dental home for children, teens, and adults. Our dental team at PMS views oral health as a valuable part of overall healthcare.

Some positions include: Dental Assistant I, Dental Assistant II, Dental Assistant III, Dental Assistant EFDA, and Dental Hygienist.

Detailed job requirements can be found on individual job vacancy announcements.

Dental Assistants & Hygienists Career Ladder

To learn more about position requirements and career ladders, click here

Apply to a Dental Position

Contact: Recruit@PMSNM.ORG or toll free 1-866-661-5491
Learn more about benefits @ PMS here
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